Property Inspection Report for Spouse Visa

Property inspection report for spouse visa for UK Immigration and visa

A property inspection report can significantly increase your chances of a successful spouse visa application. This is because one of the key requirements for a spouse visa is demonstrating that you have suitable accommodation available for you and your partner. A property inspection report provides evidence that your accommodation meets the necessary standards.

UKVI Immigration Rules require that a person applying for spouse visa to enter the United Kingdom (entry clearance) or apply spouse visa extension or applying for indefinite leave to remain (ILR) as a partner or spouse, you must be able to prove that you have adequate accommodation.

An applicant must provide evidence that there will be adequate accommodation in the UK, without recourse to public funds, for the family, including other family members who are not included in the application but who live in the same household. This must be accommodation which the family own or which they occupy exclusively. Learn More


Property Inspection Reports for spouse visa : cover the legal standards for Spouse Visa

Our Property Inspection Reports for spouse visa meet all legal requirements set by the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) adequate accommodation guidance. This includes:

  • Our Property Inspection Reports for spouse visa meet all legal requirements set by the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) adequate accommodation guidance. This includes:
  • That the property is not and will not be overcrowded for both current and with addition of visa applicant in accordance with Part X of the Housing Act 1985 and that the property meets the legal requirment for Room standard and Space stanadard.
  • That the property is free from Category 1 or Category 2 hazards in accordance with the HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating System) and that Under section 604 of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) the property is fit for human habitation.
  • Free from conditions that may present a public health nuisance
  • In a reasonable state of repair
Property Inspection Report for Spouse Visa

Do you need a property inspection report for spouse visa?

Under the guidance of Maintenance and accommodation (MAA) of UK Visas and Immigration rules for Settlement Visas (commonly known UK Spouse Visa or partner, proposed partner, civil partner, child or other dependent relative), the Rules require applicants to be able to be maintained and accommodated (and any of their dependents) without additional recourse to public funds.

A Housing Report is a document that can be submitted with visa application to show that the adequate accommodation requirement is met. To increase your chances of approval, submit a property inspection report alongside your other housing documents. Many applications are unsuccessful because the accommodation doesn't meet requirements.


Obtain an independent assessment of the number of rooms and occupants of the proposed accommodation. A report from a suitably qualified body certifying that a personal inspection has been carried out and giving details of accommodation inspected is usually acceptable for this purpose. Above all, the Entry Clearance officer must be satisfied that the accommodation will not become overcrowded within the definition of the Housing Act 1985 or that it will not contravene public health regulations.

"If posts issue guidance to applicants on accommodation, they should make it clear that any qualified body independent of the applicant or sponsor may prepare a report confirming the status of the proposed accommodation, that is, size, occupiers and so on"

Need a Property Inspection Report for your Spouse Visa?

Evergreen Engineers provides expert property inspections to meet UKVI requirements. Our reports are accurate, fast, and accepted by the Home Office. Ensure your accommodation meets UK immigration standards. Call 07500242494 for a quote.

Our team of qualified surveyors will personally visit your property to create a report suitable for various visa applications, including spouse visas, family visas, and more.

What is a Property Inspection Report For UK Spouse Visa application?

A Property Inspection Report for a UK Spouse Visa application is a document that provides evidence to the UK Home Office that the accommodation you're offering is suitable for your spouse and meets their immigration requirements.

Here's a breakdown of its purpose:

Proof of Adequate Accommodation

The report verifies you have enough space for you and your spouse.

Meeting Housing Standards

It ensures the property is in good repair, free from health hazards, and complies with the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS).

Supporting Your Application

By providing this report, you demonstrate you've considered your living situation and have a plan to accommodate your spouse.

Strengthens your application

By demonstrating you have adequate housing, it strengthens your case for a successful visa application.

Provides official assessment

The report verifies the number of rooms, occupants, and overall condition of the property.

Ensures safety standards

It helps ensure the property meets the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) standards, signifying it's free from major health hazards.

Accommodation: general requirements for UK Spouse Visa

As part of the Spouse Visa requirements, you must show that you have adequate accommodation, which you must share with your partner. The property where you will be moving to, must meet the UK living standards as defined in Housing Act. Property Inspection Report is a such type of documents that ensure the property meets the UK living standard.

  • The availability and adequacy of accommodation
  • That (where applicable) the permission of the owner of the accommodation has been given
  • No additional public funds will be necessary for accommodating the applicant in cases where the sponsor lives in accommodation from public funds.
Adequacy of accommodation

To assess adequacy, the accommodation must not be:

  • Overcrowded under Part X (Overcrowding) of Housing Act 1985 or
  • Contravene public health regulations: free from Category 1 and 2 Hazards in Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) given under section 9 of the Housing Act 2004
Assessing adequate accommodation

The visa officer should be satisfied that the accommodation complies with the property meets requirements:

  • The Accommodation is (or will be) owned or legally occupied for the exclusive use of the couple
  • The Property is capable of accommodating the couple, and any children, without overcrowding as defined in the Housing Act 1985.

Property Inspection Report for a UK Spouse Visa can also be referred to as:

  • Accommodation Report: This emphasizes the focus on the suitability of the living space for your spouse.
  • Immigration Housing Report: This clarifies the report's purpose for immigration applications.
  • UKVI Property Report: This refers to the UK Visas and Immigration department accepting the report.
  • Housing Inspection
  • Immigration Property Inspection
  • Accommodation Report for UK Immigration (focuses on suitability for living)
  • Immigration Housing Report (emphasizes purpose for immigration)
  • UKVI Property Report (specifies the UK Visas and Immigration department)
  • Housing Inspection Report for Immigration Purposes (combines housing inspection with immigration purpose)
  • Property Inspection Report for Spouse Visa (the original term itself)
  • Housing Inspections for UK Entry Clearance (uses "entry clearance" which is another term for visa application)
  • Accommodation Report for UK Immigration (highlights the focus on living space)
  • Immigration Housing Report (emphasizes the immigration purpose)
  • UKVI Property Report (specifies the UK Visa and Immigration agency)
  • Housing Inspection Report for Immigration Purposes (combines housing inspection with immigration purpose)
  • Housing Inspections for UK Entry Clearance (uses "entry clearance" instead of "visa")

What information does an immigration accommodation report for spouse visa includes?

The Environmental Health Officer will asses the property throughly and include all relevent information to satisify the Adequacy of accommodation:

  • Under Section 604 of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) the property is fit for human habitation
  • Present Arrangement and proposed sleeping arrangement for exisiting and visa applicant including all room dimentions.
  • The permitted maximum number of occupations of the dwelling as defined section 325 (The room standard) and section 326 (The space standard) of Part X (OVERCROWDING) of the Housing Act 1985.
  • The property has been assessed as free from Category 1 or Cateogry 2 hazards
  • The Survey report will also include any other information that may be helpful based on sponsor or applicant immigration status and property conditions

If you wish to find out how you can get Property Inspection Report for Spouse visa, please contact us;
Call us on 07500242494 for a free consultation for suitability of your property for spouse visa.

This report helps ensure that new visa applicants have suitable accommodation in the UK, eliminating the need for them to find new housing upon arrival.

Property Inspection Report for Spouse Visa

Property Inspection Report for Spouse Visa

This report is beneficial for visa applications involving:

This report isn't just for spouse visas! It can be used as evidence of suitable accommodation for various visa applications, including:

  • Spouses or civil partners
  • Fiancés or proposed civil partners
  • Unmarried or same-sex partners
  • Family dependents (children, parents, grandparents)
  • Visit Visa
  • Visa extension
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
  • Essentially, any visa where demonstrating suitable accommodation is required.

Property Inspection report for Spouse visa meets all legal requirments

The report ensures your accommodation meets all the necessary legal standards. This means it's:

  • Free from serious health hazards: The report verifies there are no Category 1 hazards as defined by the Housing Act 2004 (Section 9). These are the most severe hazards that could pose a direct threat to health and safety.
  • Not overcrowded: The space complies with occupancy limits set out in Part X of the Housing Act 1985. This ensures there's enough room for everyone living there comfortably.
  • Suitable for living: The property meets the standards for "fitness for human habitation" outlined in Section 604 of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended). This means it's in a good state of repair and provides basic amenities for healthy living.

Who can carry out Property Inspection Report for spouse visa?

Qualified professionals can create your Property Inspection Report. These professionals should be:

  • Knowledgeable and experienced: They should have a strong understanding of the UK Home Office's requirements for adequate accommodation, along with relevant housing regulations like the Housing Act 1985 and 2004.
  • Credible: Membership in professional organizations like the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) or the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) demonstrates their qualifications.
Property Inspection Report for UK Spouse Visa

Property Inspection Report for spouse visa: Areas covered

Evergreen Engineers Ltd provides comprehensive Property Inspection Reports specifically designed to support spouse visa applications. We offer this service across the London metropolitan area, all London boroughs and in various other regions throughout the United Kingdom. To determine if your desired location is included in our coverage, we encourage you to visit our website for a detailed list of serviced areas. Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Our team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.