Property Inspection Report Gravesend Kent

We are one of leading property inspection provider in Gravesend Kent for visa visa application. The report will ensure that the property they are suitable, safe and will not become overcrowded with additional residents. The property is required to meet both the Housing Standard and the Overcrowding Standard.

We provide Home Inspection Report for UK visa and Immigration all over the Gravesend Kent including -

  • Chalk
  • Cobham
  • Culverstone Green
  • Dode
  • Harvel
  • Higham
  • Istead Rise
  • Luddesdown
  • Meopham
  • Meopham Green
  • Northfleet
  • Painters Ash
  • Singlewell
  • Shorne
  • Sole Street
  • Swanscombe
  • Grays
  • Springhead
  • Thong
  • Vigo
Property Inspection Report Gravesend Kent

General condition of the property condition

When assessning the property, the following basic standards apply:

  • It has a suitably located water closet (toilet, bathroom, hand basin etc) for the exclusive use of the occupants
  • It has adequate provision for lighting, heating and ventilation
  • There must be a fully-functional kitchen
  • The property must be in a good state of repair with no serious defects (eg electrics, plumbing, roof, gutters, doors, windows etc).
  • The property must be free from category 1 hazards under Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) under Housing Act 2004.

The Property Inspection Report can be used for:

  • spouse visa
  • civil partner
  • Fiancé / Fiancée
  • Proposed civil partner
  • Unmarried partner
  • Same-sex partner
  • Family visit visa
  • Leave to remain
  • Indefinite leave to Remain (ILR)
  • Any other visa where you need the adequate accommodation evidence

Call us for a Immigration Property Inspection Report Gravesend Kent on 07500242494 or send us your message using our online form.  A qualified environmental health officer will visit your property and assess the suitability of your property and will issue a letter which can be submitted along with the visa documents.

News from UK visa and Immigration (UKVI)

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